I am so excited! We got a sprinkler system installed this morning. It is going to make our grass look so pretty! I can't wait. They used a crazy contraption to run the tubes and wires underground. It's called a Ditch Witch.

This isn't your ordinary, everyday tool….although Chuck might disagree. 🙂 This thing is scary. It digs down and makes a trench and buries the tubes. It makes everything shake. I couldn't watch too long. It just made me nervous. This is what it does….

And they do this all over the yard. It's a fascinating procedure, these sprinkler systems.
Now that it's all finished we get to lay sod in the part of the yard that doesn't have it after we built the shed. But it will be so pretty back there. I think I might even get a couple more plants for the back yard. (I have a Bachman's coupon.) Then there is just a little clean up to take care of in the back.
The only other task after that is what to do if our neighbor puts a fence back up on the side of the house with the shed. (Yes, we did just take one down in the same location one might be added.) But Chuck has been planning what to do so we don't go on her yard since we decided to build a shed. And he's a great visionary and planner, so I am sure he'll come up with something wonderful!