It wasn't so much an adventure as it was a fun project. 🙂 I made an apron for my brother's girlfriend, Katie for her upcoming birthday. Here are a couple pictures.
This was the only way I could think to take a picture of the whole thing. It has a couple pockets in the front. And the material is really fun. I have some leftover that I will make something with!

I tried putting it on to take a picture and it didn't turn out too well! I forgot my camera, so I didn't get a picture of her with it on. It fits her well and it so cute!

Katie really liked it and I think I would make another for someone. It wasn't a hard project. I used a pattern from my Mother-In-Law and it was really easy to follow. Although, with my skills at following directions, I may have done all the steps out of order and it's a wonder it turned out at all! 🙂