Here is exactly what I am sure you wanted to see today…more pictures of my strange cat! But even if you didn't…that's what you are going to get! 🙂
This is Sadie under the magazine rack. (And yes, I do know there is a lack of magazines in the rack and it is filled with a blanket and pillows!) I am not sure how she got there. Did she turn around under there or did she wiggle in backwards? I may never know!
This picture was from a while ago at the vet's office. She was completely behind the computer. I don't know how she got in there, but I had to pull the computer off that ledge she is sitting on and set it on the floor to get her out. She wasn't going anywhere, so I had plenty of time to take this picture….but the picture didn't turn out too well because it was done with my phone!
Chuck and I are going to the fair after work today. Since we'll be gone all weekend, I have to be sure to get in my fix of food! MMM…pronto pups, french fries, corn on the cob, jerky, mmm…..all mixed in with the smell of animal poo…..I can hardly wait! 🙂