I was hoping to have something interesting to write about, but I can't seem to come up with anything. I could show you more pictures of my cat, but I am sure people are sick of those. I would post pictures of the jewelry I have made, but if you are interested in that, you would already be visiting my CraftsOnAWhim.com site. (Which I have been adding things to periodically.)
The basics…in a nutshell:
Family is good.
Work…is work. I am just happy to be getting a paycheck these days.
I am looking into taking a math class this summer so I can take a computer science class at the U of M in the Fall. I am scared out of my mind, but I trying to get past that. Mostly because I am scared of everything these days. Scared to fail…so I don't do anything. But I am bored at my job an need something to challenge me. Computer science will do that. And partly because it's been a long time since I was in school. Although, I have a much different perspective on the matter than I did when I was a Freshman in 1999. 🙂 I actually know what I want to do this time and these are steps I have to take to get there. Plus, I live with a marvelous teacher for computer science! 🙂 He might be able to help me a bit! 🙂 There are more benefits than downfalls with going back to school. At least for me. So I am going to take the plunge and see what happens!
Our house is still for sale (I can send you a link to it if you want to see pictures)…contrary to what most people seem to believe. We have only had a couple showings, but hopefully the weather will get nicer soon and more people will be excited to look for a new home! And after someone wants ours, we can look for one for us!
I haven't felt incredibly social. Or maybe I just haven't had the energy for them. I have skipped out on a couple parties lately. I just don't have the energy and everyone makes their parties start so late. I want to be in bed about the time I get there…or at least getting ready for bed. I tend to like small gatherings with a few friends much more than I like the large ones. But I think I have always been that way.
We're going to start going to the gym more and try to be more active. Chuck is very active, but I tend to lean toward the lazy side. I also want to start eating better and less. I eat a lot of junk and I am TOO close to 30 to keep that up and expect to live a very long life!
We're also going to cancel our cable. I watch WAY too much tv. I always have. I don't want to do that. I am going to be busy with school and I want to read more. I don't do that enough. I think my brain is turning to mush. I don't want my conversations to center around tv shows/characters. There are so many other intelligent things in life to talk about. I also don't want my kids to watch as much tv as I did when I was growing up. I want them to read, be active and hold conversations. Tv is fine here and there, but it's not something I want to be as central as it has been in my life.
So that's about it. I guess I had a little more to say than I thought. 🙂