I have decided that I am going to set my alarm with enough time to go on a walk in the morning and weather permitting, I am going to go. It's a good way to get some exercise and fresh air in. It makes me feel good for the rest of the day, too. And that's never a bad thing. 🙂
So this morning I went for a 1/2 hour walk which is about 1.6 miles…the route I have been taking. I am considering trying out a couple new routes so I have varying scenery and paths to take. 🙂 I like variety in my walks. AND because the path I have been taking is wooded and it has been so humid in the morning that the mosquitoes are voracious!
Today my fruit size changed to a lemon. Then I saw this picture of Stewie's (from Family Guy) face on a lemon and I had to save the picture. I hate Family Guy, but it was funny that there was a face on the lemon. 🙂
We had some dinner and it's clear that I am getting my appetite back. I feel like I am always hungry and I am back to being able to eat more in a sitting than I used to be able to.