Yesterday I turned 30. There I said it. No second 29th, 29 and holding or anything like that. Just 30.
It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Although I am not sure why I thought it would be scary at all. None of my other birthdays have scared me.
Chuck sneakily gave me an annibirthary gift. He gave me tons of candy and snacks (I'm pregnant. I like snacks. He is wonderful!) In one of the bags of candy, he opened and removed some of the candy, then wrapped a ring he got me. It has pink and regular diamonds in it. It's so perfect. Not only do I love pink, but he even thought it would be a great gift since we are having our first little girl. He's so incredibly thoughtful and wonderful. I don't need anything but him on my birthday. I couldn't be luckier to spend my birthday celebrating marrying him every year!
HERE are those pictures. There aren't many pictures because we got a new video camera and Chuck video taped most of me opening my presents. I will have to get around to uploading the videos soon. (We are using it to practice up before the baby comes!) And a neighbor friend brought me a robe for my birthday gift. There's a picture of that in these pictures as well. It was so sweet of her!
Then we worked on tiling the back splash. The tiles are up, we just did the grouting. It's looking wonderful, and I promise I will post pictures soon. We're almost done! Then my mom came over to help get our house back in order after some projects we have been doing. She brought a couple gifts. We are getting together with my mom and crew this coming weekend for a birthday celebration. So there will be more pictures in this gallery soon.
Then we had dinner with Chuck's sister, her husband, their grandparents and one of their aunts (they were in town from Omaha after visiting Chuck's dad).
After all that excitement, we went home and watched a movie. It was a very nice birthday weekend.
We have already celebrated two other times with other family.
Last week, we had Chuck's mom and sister over for dinner and ice cream cake. Chuck's mom and sister gave us the bedding we picked for the baby's room and Chuck's mom made me a diaper bag! It's so cute. She also made curtains for the baby's room and brought those with her. HERE are those pictures.
Friday we had dinner at my dad's house where he made BBQ ribs and twice baked potatoes…just like my grandma always made for me on my birthday. HERE are the pictures.
I am sure there are things I am forgetting, but it was a wonderful birthday. Thank you everyone!