My baby is 3 months old already. Where did the time go? She’s getting more fun each day. She is learning how to play with toys, she puts her hands, toys, bibs, burp rags, my fingers…anything she can find into her mouth. Maddie is smiling more and more and has been sleeping like a champ.
It’s fun to see more personality out of her. We got together with our baby class and met all their babies. I loved seeing how each of them are at similar milestones, but have different personalities at the same time. (I will post pictures and more about this event tomorrow.)
She has been playing on her side a lot on her playmat and has a tendency to turn herself 90 or 180 degrees by throwing her legs in the air. I am sure she is going to roll herself to her stomach before I know it! Then I’m in trouble!
She also has a lot more hair. I noticed that by comparing her pictures from this month and last month. She sure has changed a lot in a month! Maddie is also quite the mover. She kicks her legs like a wild woman and you can really tell in some of the pictures that she wouldn’t sit still by the blurriness of some of the pictures.
We love her more every day. She’s such a happy, good natured baby and we are so happy to be her parents.
Here are the rest of the 3 month pictures I took.
2 month pictures & 2 month post
1 month pictures & 1 month post