I’m a little late posting this. Time just got away from me.
My little peanut is growing up so fast. On the 16th, she was 4 months old already. She has learned so much in the last month. She rolls over….lots! She has been doing great sleeping. Since she started rolling over, we had to take her out of her Woombie. She would sleep like a champion in this thing. So it took us a little while to get her used to sleeping without it. And now she’s back to sleeping really well!
Maddie is very interested in faces and touching everything. She wants to put everything in her mouth. She especially likes putting her feet in her mouth. She has such a little personality and knows what she wants (or what she doesn’t want). It’s so amazing to see how much she has changed in 4 short months.
Today Maddie had her 4 month doctor’s appointment. She is 13 pounds, 10 ounces, 26 inches long and healthy as can be. She was such a good girl while the doctor checked her out. She had an oral vaccine and two shots today. She cried for a minute after the shots, then was happy as could be expected. She stayed happy the rest of the day, too. Such a big girl!
So here are some pictures I took of her on her 4 month birthday. Eventually she decided she was done with the pictures and threw a fit!
Here are the rest of the 4 month pictures I took.
3 month pictures & 3 month post
2 month pictures & 2 month post
1 month pictures & 1 month post