Today I am leaving for a girls weekend with a bunch of friends. I am excited…and scared….and excited. This is my first time away from Maddie for more than a few hours. I know we will both survive, but I am still nervous to go.
I started trying to get Maddie to drink from something other than me on Monday. I am happy to say that she is still alive! She didn’t starve. She also still won’t drink from a bottle. Here are a couple videos.
First, Maddie has gotten really good at eating. Here is proof.
And here is Maddie drinking from a cup. This is her preferred way to drink milk. 6 month old babies are not supposed to drink from a cup. But this is what she likes.
And here is a funny video…and proof that she doesn’t like bottles. She likes the top and the bottom of the bottle separately, but you put them together and she hates it. I can’t wait to show her these videos when she is older!
So I am still hopeful that she will drink from a bottle or something more efficient than feeding her out of a cup. At least she likes eating food!
At least she knows what she wants! Stubborn little Maddie.
So Chuck is on Maddie duty this weekend and I’m running off to hang out with my friends. I feel like I am being selfish somehow even though I know it’s good for me. Chuck will do great and Maddie will have too much fun to even notice I am gone! That’s what I tell myself at least.
Have a BLAST!! I’ll be thinking of you (tell Chuck we’re more than happy to take a shift of “Maddie duty” if he needs a break)
I am doing an update now on how the weekend went! Stay tuned! 🙂