I’m 34 weeks today. (Even though it is late, it is still technically 34 weeks.) I can’t believe how quickly this pregnancy is going. Of course, at the same time, I feel like I have been pregnant forever! I realized last night that we are going to have a baby in no more than 5 weeks. And not just A baby…..we’re going to have ANOTHER baby. This, somehow, makes it more terrifying.
My “ticker” at the top of my website says 42 days. But subtract 7 and I am left with 35 days. Oh dear goodness….that is not very many!!!
I feel like there are a bunch of things I really want/need to get done before the baby gets here. But part of me realizes this is the second child, so most of the things I think are important now, really aren’t. For example: dusting, cleaning the house thoroughly, sorting some things, some various projects I’ve been putting off, a few places I want to go with Maddie before her sister is here, washing baby clothes, making sure the nursery is set up, getting furniture for the baby’s room (which we have been working on for months…long story), picking out a name (we don’t just need to pick a name, we need to start thinking of names)….hmmm, I guess we should get on a couple of those things.
I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. Then only 3 more appointments (at 36, 37 and 38 weeks…my appointments have been on Wednesdays and I have the c-section scheduled for Tuesday, exactly 39 weeks, so no appointment that week). Wow….that’s a little scary to think about! And the only reason I would get another appointment thrown in there is if my blood pressure is high tomorrow when I go in. Then she would want to see me at 35 weeks, too. But so far my BP has been nice and low! I’m really hoping for no repeats of my last delivery!
So I’ll stop babbling and leave you with a picture I took of my belly this week.
I feel a lot bigger than I look! But I still have a few weeks left. (Man, I’m kind of stretching the limits of this shirt, aren’t I? ) Oh, and here are all the pictures I have taken of my belly this time around in case you are interested.
Ok, time for bed. I must get to sleep before my body wakes me up in a couple hours to pee….again!