We had a lot of fun last night for Halloween. Chuck’s sister, brother-in-law and their daughter came over for dinner before trick-or-treating. Then my mom, stepdad and one of my brother’s came over to go trick-or-treating with us. We got Maddie in her costume (we went with Elmo) and we were off!
Maddie did SO well this year. She would walk up to the doors and say trick-or-treat (tee tee), take a piece of candy, say thank you (nay nay), then wave and say “bye.” It was adorable! She was such a good girl! And she loved going up to the houses and seeing all the other kids dressed up. We asked her if she wanted us to carry her bucket…”NO” she told us. That was her prized possession and she wasn’t letting go of it!
Here are a few pictures from the evening! Maddie and I leaving our friends’ house. Someone even stopped me to ask if they could take a picture of my shirt.
Maddie and her friend, Owen. We have a picture of them together from last year, too. I think this will have to be a yearly thing now! I love the looks on their faces in this picture!
Brian and Amira. I just love the terrified look on Amira’s face! And I love her owl costume Paige made for her.
My mom, stepdad, brother and Maddie.
Family Halloween picture!
Maddie and her cousin, Amira. Maddie has discovered she really likes KitKats!
Hope you had a nice Halloween. I can’t wait until next year when both girls will be able to go! I should start thinking now about costumes for the two of them!