Our baby girl is 4 months old today. She is a joy to be around and is the happiest baby. She hardly cries and smiles at everyone. I am sure with such good little babies, their teenage years will send us to the insane asylum. But I’ll enjoy how good they are now. 🙂
Dannie babbles and talks all the time. She giggles and coos at you and they are the sweetest noises!
She has just started sticking out her tongue a lot!
Dannie is also rolling over. She has been rolling over for a couple weeks now. Almost the second you set her down, she flips to her stomach. It was hard to take good pictures of her this month because I needed one hand on her to keep her from rolling over!
She has forgotten how to go back to her back, though and gets tired and upset. 🙂 She is also sleeping on her stomach since she won’t stay on her back. Silly girl. 🙂
She has also been sucking on her fingers after she rolls over and when she wants to sleep. It’s really cute and so nice that she can soothe herself. I should also mention that she has been sleeping through the night for a while now. I can’t believe how lucky I am with such great sleepers!
Dannie has found her feet, but only holds them a little. And she has been putting her hands together and will just stare at them. Adorable!
She loves looking at herself in mirrors. But the thing that makes her laugh and smile the most is her sister! They are so sweet together! I’m so excited they will grow up close in age and hopefully be friends. I know they will have their squabbles, but I hear sisters are great to have! I do have two wonderful sister-in-laws and I don’t know what I’d do without them!
Dannie loves to sit up and be part of what is going on. She doesn’t like to be left out! Although, these pictures don’t really make her look very happy. 🙂
Happy 4 months little peanut!
Here are Dannie’s previous monthly posts.
3 Months
2 Months
1 Month