The concert last night was wonderful! O.A.R. always put on a great show!
But we got home WAY past our bedtime. And I don't function well on too little sleep. Without enough sleep I am cranky, and tired, and cold. So today, I decided to be comfortable and wear some of my favorite things!
- Fuzzy slipper shoes
- Comfortable pants
- Soft turtleneck sweater
- Puffy hooded vest
- Glasses instead of contacts
Yes. I know it's 75 degrees and gorgeous outside. But I don't care. This is what I wanted to wear today. And I'm going to do what I want! 🙂 So there!
And….surprisingly to all who know me…I am not cranky. Yet. I mean, there's a lot of day left. And since it is getting dangerously close to my feeding time (yes, I called lunch feeding time), and when I don't eat I get cranky. And when I get cold, I get cranky, and when I am tired I get cranky. My husband calls it the “Trifecta”. You don't want to be around me when I am in the middle of a Trifecta*. I am not nice.
*Trifecta conversations usually go one of two ways….
(1) “Are you Hungry?” “Yes.” Are you Cold?” “Yes.” “Are you tired?” “Yes.” “Oh, MAAAAN!”
(2) “Are you Hungry?” “Yes.” Are you Cold?” “Yes.” “Are you tired?” “No.” “Oh, Thank goodness!”
The risk of a Trifecta today is pretty low since I took some precautionary measures.
So currently….Hungry? Yes. Tired? Yes. Cold? Nope! Because I am so comfortable…and warm!
I am now off to remedy another one of those and go feed myself!