I started having my first contractions today. They weren’t anything painful and Chuck actually had to convince me that what I was feeling was contractions. Once he convinced me, I started crying. Good tears, of course, but mixed in with a little panic, I think. 🙂
We went to Babies R Us and did the rest of our shopping from our list and got 10% remaining things on our registry. This was a nice relief. During our visit, I kept having various contractions, but nothing was consistent and they still didn’t hurt.
Then we went to Home Depot and I wanted to just wander around. Chuck decided a better place for that would be the MOA, so we headed there for some walking and lunch. We walked around for a couple hours there.
Then we went to Jean’s house to pick up some stuff and I hung out while people lifted heavy things. 🙂
Then dinner with Paige and Brian. I had been having contractions on and off all day without any consistency.I wasn’t having many by the end of the night. Bummer. 🙁