Today I had my final doctor’s appointment before I have Thumper. It was both good and bad. Bad because my body still hasn’t made any more progress. Which means that they will send me to the hospital tomorrow night (when I am 41 weeks) and do some ripening. I guess this is supposed to help dilate me more. Then the doctor can get in there to break my water before inducing me. Apparently, some people that have the ripening done will go into labor on their own and not need to be induced. So we’ll see what happens.
We have to call at 6pm to make sure they have a bed for me. I told Chuck he needs to call because if they even try to tell me no, I think I might lose it!
Now, the good news. Since I couldn’t get in until Tuesday night, the doctor on call for Wednesday morning and evening is Dr. Meshke. She’s the one I like the best. I was happy to wait one more day just to have her there. So I am hoping that nothing changes and she’s the one that will show up.
So I’m going to sleep in my own bed tonight and enjoy it! Hopefully the baby still makes her arrival on her own, but at least I know that tomorrow things will be started!