Our little Dannie is half a year old! She is getting so big!
We had her 6 month check up yesterday and she was 15 pounds, 2 ounces. She is growing perfectly on her growth chart. She was healthy and happy the whole time we were there. She only cried for a few seconds after her shots.
Dannie loves playing with her feet and her toys. She has become very mobile in the past week. She will roll all over the room. I never know where she is going to end up. I have also caught her trying to get her butt in the air and move forward. She only manages to scoot backwards. But more moving isn’t far away! She will also turn about 90 degrees when she reaches for a toy that is next to her. She also loves playing with her feet!
With her ability to roll around more, she has been happier to play on the floor for a longer period of time. This is VERY nice!
She loves being upright and likes being carried around or sitting in her exersaucer. I always forget to put her in her Bumbo. I need to do that more often. She’s very strong and likes trying to stand.
She can’t sit on her own yet, but if you place her in a sitting position, she will put her hands down and play with toys….until she tips over.
Last night we are started her on solid foods. I took a funny video. She made the funniest faces! I nursed her for 6 months (just like I did for Maddie) and now it’s time to move to bottles and solid food.
Along with the food change, it’s time for this little peanut to learn to self soothe and cry herself to sleep. She did fall asleep at nap time (after a long bout of crying) but didn’t sleep very long. I’ll try bed time crying it out tomorrow. She had shots today and was out of sorts and we made a bunch of other changes for the day. I’ll give her a little break.
I apologize to anyone who sees us this week. With the transition to bottles, solid foods and crying it out, we might be a little out of sorts. But, a short period of transition makes everything better in the long run.
Dannie is really good with her hands and plays well with all her toys. She likes to turn them around and chew them up! I don’t see any teeth making their way in, but she sure chews on everything like she has teeth coming in.
She is also quite the “talker” as I am sure you have noticed in some of the pictures. She likes to babble and yell and spit. Her noises may be loud, but they are really adorable, too!
Dannie is such a sweet, happy and easy going baby. We have really lucked out with her! We love her to pieces!
Here are Dannie’s previous monthly posts: