Let’s see. What might someone want to know about me?

I am married to my best friend and the most wonderful husband ever! His name is Chuck. We live in Minnesota and are the proud parents of two girls, Madeline (Maddie – Feb. 2011) and Danielle (Dannie – Nov. 2012) and a boy, Alexander (Alex – Nov. 2014).

We are busy people. I am a tad bit lazy by nature, but thankfully Chuck doesn’t sit still very well and keeps us active. We do projects around the house (he’s VERY handy), take trips, go camping, go boating, go tubing (we love being on the lake!), go fishing, bike ride, swim, go on walks, downhill ski, play hockey, play softball, he coaches hockey and softball for the kids and a multitude of other things. Life’s too short to sit around. A lot of our recent activities include parks or activities to entertain the kiddos!
Along with being very active, we are advocates for STEM and STEAM. We are teaching our kids all about coding, math, science, technology and art, have robots all over the house and a dedicated room for crafts, building and being creative. We host two First LEGO League Jr. groups with our kids and some of their friends. It has been such an amazing experience to help these kids get excited about programming and seeing their ideas come to life.
I used to work full time as a legal assistant at an Intellectual Property law firm (they specialize in patents and trademarks). In September 2013, Some of the attorneys I used to work with started their own firm and I started working for them remotely. I do transcription, prepare documents and billing for them from home. I love being able to work at home to be available for the kids. But with my youngest starting Kindergarten in the fall, I am feeling ready to start working full time somewhere.
I went back to school before my oldest was born for a couple semesters to try my hand at Computer Science. I didn’t pursue it and wish I had stuck with it. I am currently working on learning more JavaScript because i am fascinated by web development. I love working on websites and playing around on them. So I am working on learning more front-end and back-end stuff and I’ll see where it takes me. I would really like to find a job doing something in tech. I am interested in project management work or even tech analyst positions as well. If you have ideas for me, I’d love to head them.
I also love to read. I listen to audio books and read on my Kindle most of the time. I usually have a couple books going at one time. I am glad that my kids have become avid readers as well.
I keep a blog because I want to “journal” things. I am glad to have readers, but I do this for me. If you don’t like the content…wait until tomorrow. You might like it then. 🙂 And if not, well, maybe I’m just not for you. I tend to be quite random about what I post here. But I suppose that is because I am a very random person!
I get incredibly nervous to try new things, but I am working to get over that fear. It’s quite debilitating at times and frankly no fun. I am mostly afraid to fail. I am learning that failing is ok. You learn from it and grow. So it isn’t all bad!
My hubby currently works for Google. He works with some of the most interesting and smartest people I know. And he is the smartest of them all (I’m not biased at all!). This guy never ceases to amaze me with all he knows and all he can do!
When my hubby got a job at Google, we uprooted ourselves from Minnesota and moved to Seattle. We were there for a year and decided it wasn’t a place we wanted to stay and moved back home. Chuck still works for Google and we moved back into our house in Minnesota which was both weird and convenient. Our dream is to live on the lake one day. Hopefully that dream will eventually become reality.

I am happy to answer more questions if you have any. I tend to be an open book. Feel free to contact me HERE.