This is a picture of the case Chuck built for his ship. This shows all the lighting he did for it and how col it looks all lit up. There are lights on the top, sides and bottom. The top lights are attached to the case. The side lights are positionable by a great system Chuck put together. The bottom lights are inside the wooden piece inside the case. This helps aim them at the ship and keep them from blinding you when you look in. He did a great job and I wanted to show the finished project all lit up!
Author: Andi
Campbell's Soup At Hand
Have you ever tried these? I am sitting at my desk at work and having the Chicken with Mini Noodles and it's quite good. And I was pleasntly surprised to see that this one was only 80 calories! What a bonus! I just thought I would share this in case you hadn't tried them. I am attaching a link to the Campbell's website with the various flavors of the soup. You can also check the nutrition info on them, too. What other things would you recommend for lunch at work?
My First Day
Today was my first day at work. It was so much fun. I was given an abundance of information and it's going to take a while to process it all. But everyone was so nice and welcoming and I think I will fit in well there. I was taken to lunch and got to see where some things are located around the skyway. I think I am going to have a headache for a while as I learn everything. But it's a new experience and I am loving it so far! And I got to wear some of my new clothes! 🙂
I am also thinking about taking the bus downtown. I'll get some time to read and I won't have to have the stress of driving in the traffic. It takes the same amount of time to get there, but it's so much cheaper on average than driving there myself and then parking downtown. So we'll see if I am brave enough to try that out later this week!
Shopping Shopping!
My friend Kellyn was kind enough to come shopping with me today to look for some new work clothes. We did great! I am glad I had her come with me. We got a number of pants, tons of shirts…it was quite productive. I am so excited to start wearing it all. Too bad I can't wear them all on the first day. 🙂 Thanks for your help, Kellyn. We'll have to do it again sometime!
I Have A Job!
Today I accepted a legal secretary position at Westman, Champlin & Kelly law firm in downtown Minneapolis. They concentrate on patent, trademark and copyright law, licensing and related issues. I am so very excited. When I went to interview with them, everyone was so nice and welcoming. I couldn't be more pleased to be working in such a great environment. I start on Monday, so I will be doing some shopping this weekend for work clothes! Working full time will be a change, but I am ready and excited for a new challenge and opportunity! I'm off to go be giddy for a while! 🙂
Oh, and all day, while I was waiting to hear if I got the job I was thinking about something Homer Simpson said. “The waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos!” So I told Chuck this, and he sent me a little something! I am horrible at waiting so this was a good way to pass the time for a few minutes! Maybe you'll be able to waste some time playing it, too! Man do I wish I had this game!
Cow Tracks
Have you tried these? They have a few flavors, but I had the mint one. Chuck picked some of this up for me. It has tiny chocolate shaped cows filled with mint sitting on top of fudge covered mint ice cream. Oh my! It's so tasty! The ones he got were also in “singles” containers. So you can eat the whole container and not feel guilty! How smart of them! I found a link with the other flavors HERE. MMMM…Now I am thinking about ice cream….and little mint filled chocolate cows! 🙂
Pink Pens
These are a couple of my favorite pens that I made. And since they are pink…I made them for myself! I use them both all the time and get many compliments on them. The first one is made of dyed maple (or boxelder…I can’t remember). This turned out so cool, but it was a really hard wood to turn and hurt when the little pieces hit your hand. And it smelled pretty bad. But all of that was worth it for the way it turned out! There are a couple small holes in the wood, too. I have since learned how to fill those holes, but since these are so small, they are hardly noticeable. This was also the first pen of this style and shape that I made. It has a slightly different kit with the center being thicker than the ends. I really like this shape pen!
Which is why I chose to use it on this pen, too! This is so smooth and shiny! People are always surprised that I make the acrylic ones. They really aren’t much harder to turn than wood. Just a little different and a bit more tedious. So they take a bit longer. But I think the result is worth it! 🙂
Chuck's Ship
Some of you have heard about this ship. Chuck's grandpa built it. This thing comes in a flat kit. He put everything together. From shaping the wood, to tying all the knots in the rigging. It's amazing to look at. Chuck and his dad worked many hours perfecting the case that holds the ship. They took wood straight off a tree. This was rough wood, so they had to make it smooth, glue pieces together for the right size…this isn't wood you buy at the local hardware store! Chuck has also been working incredibly hard on a lighting system for it. He finished it yesterday and it looks wonderful! Just like something you would buy in a store…but all hand made, of course! So this is our newest piece of furniture in the house. It's going to be quite the conversation piece!
Chuck builds so many cool projects! He put together a website to write about them. This way he can remember what he did when he looks back. What a handy guy I have! I attached the link below if you would like to see it.
Sansa Clip
This is my new toy! A while back, my water bottle left a pool (literally) in the bottom of my gym bag. This killed my iPhone as well as my small mp3 player. I loved how small it was and that it clipped on to me. I have been using my ipod feature on my phone, but with it's size and the fact that is doesn't clip on to me, it's usefulness at the gym is limited. So this tiny little gizmo is perfect! It's really tiny and has a clip on it. Just like I wanted. And of course, it's pink! And I like my pink! The nice thing about this one (since I did look at getting a shuffle), is that it has a small screen and an FM tuner. Those are two things the shuffle does not have. So if you are in the market for a new little player…here's an option. (And it does come in other colors, too!)
*Edit* I wanted to add that the picture below is the player I used to have that I ruined. The one I got is a 2G player and was around $60. I know they have them at Best Buy.
Chicken Tetrazzini
Tonight I made Chicken Tetrazzini. We stopped over at Chuck's mom's house the other day and she was making homemade chicken stock. (It smelled SO good in the house!) She also mentioned this meal that I hadn't made in ages. I knew I had to make it soon. I added a picture I took, but I don't think it made the meal look as yummy as it tasted. 🙂 I usually make it with egg noodles, but I didn't have any on hand. So I used spaghetti noodles which is what the recipe originally called for. You put Parmesan cheese on the top and it gives it a nice crunchy layer on the top. If you want the recipe let me know.