I just thought these pictures were cute. She was playing with the blocks and a blanket. Then she put the blanket inside the block. She also appears to be talking (or yelling at the blocks).
My favorite picture…
She was very into something on tv.
— my little corner of randomness —
I just thought these pictures were cute. She was playing with the blocks and a blanket. Then she put the blanket inside the block. She also appears to be talking (or yelling at the blocks).
My favorite picture…
She was very into something on tv.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms and moms-to-be!
I traced Maddie’s hand and then had her do some coloring for her Mother’s Day cards. They turned out really cute!
We did make some small step while coloring. Maddie usually likes to eat the crayons. This time she just licked them and then tried to apply them like lipstick. There’s some nice blue crayon around her mouth.
Baby steps, I suppose!
As a follow up to yesterday’s picture, I thought I should also share this one.
Yep. Maddie has found her nose and it’s apparently lots of fun to stick her finger in it. I’m not sure if you can tell, but she has a HUGE smile on her face because she is so proud of herself. She left her finger in there, laughing at herself, long enough for me to find my phone and take a picture of her. That is an eternity in toddler time if you don’t know that! So I guess that means it’s pretty cool!
Last weekend, we started cleaning out my craft room. Which has really turned into the room I throw anything I don’t want to deal with at the moment. So I lovingly call it my “Crap Room.” Before too long, we would like to move Maddie into that room. She hasn’t slept over night anywhere but her bed since she was born. And we have a couple multiple night stays out of town this year. So we thought it wouldn’t hurt to do it sooner rather than later. And this room tends to be a little cooler, so we don’t want the next baby sleeping in this room.
So, all that nonsense to show some pictures of the progress!
This is what the room looks like now. The big blank wall was where my big shelf from Ikea was.
It doesn’t look like we made much progress, but taking stuff off the shelf was a long process. And Chuck has also cleaned out the closet, which was another huge task. The biggest thing left will be to sort through all my craft stuff stacked on the shelf in the corner.
So we moved the Ikea shelf into the playroom just outside this room. I love the shelf out there!
That’s what we’ve been working on. Any big projects going on at your house? Any projects you have been avoiding tackling (like I have been avoiding this room!)?
A while back, I bought Maddie a chair she could sit on in the porch or driveway with us. She loves it! She sits in it all the time and pushes it around. These pictures were from quite a while ago when she was playing outside on a chilly afternoon while Chuck was building the porch furniture.
Maddie loved “helping” dad!
We thought we would put her in one of the boxes. She looked interested in it. And yes, of course we closed the lid on her head!
She was not impressed.
I found this quote and thought that everyone out there has had a day that wasn’t great. But sometimes you need to look at the bright side.
Have a fabulous day and look for those good things every day!
On Thursday, April 26th at 2:07 pm, Chuck became an uncle, I became an aunt and Maddie became a cousin!
Chuck’s sister, Paige and her husband, Brian welcomed their little bundle of joy into the world! She weighed 5 pounds, 9 ounces and was 19 inches long. She is the most precious little thing. When we saw her on Thursday night, she was wide-eyed and curious about the world! She also as the cutest little dimples! She’s so tiny and I can’t wait to spend more time with them after things settle down and snuggle her to pieces!
Here are a couple pictures of Mira (their nick-name for her).
Welcome to the family, Amira!