Last Saturday, I decided to make some fruit leather. Fruit leather, also known as fruit roll-ups, are delicious! I had a bag of frozen strawberries and bananas and thought I would give it a try.
I used this link as a guide to make them.
First, I blended the frozen fruit with some strawberry banana v8 fusion I had in the fridge. I also threw in some applesauce and some lemon juice. I decided not to use an sugar to sweeten it. I didn’t want to feel guilty when I ate these!

Then I pureed the heck out of it, adding a little more juice as I went to make it smooth enough.

Then I lined a sheet pan (actually I ended up using 4 pans for the amount of puree I had) with plastic wrap. This was, by far, the hardest part of this project. Getting it not to stick to itself and get it smooth wasn’t the easiest. 

Then I poured some puree on the plastic wrapped pan and smoothed it out.

Then I stuck it in the oven as low as my oven would go (I ended up using both of my ovens) and let it cook for hours! The house smelled so good while it was cooking!
But, sadly, I think I made it too thin. After only a couple hours, one of the trays had dried already. It was crispy and TART. I guess I should have added some sugar after all! You can see how it broke into sharp pieces at the corner.

After I saw the first one was done too quickly, I took the other ones out and brushed some water on the stuff that had already dried to rehydrate it while the centered dried out.

Those three were crispy on the outsides, but they were soft in the middle and I could roll them up. They were still too tart to eat, but they did roll.

Overall, it was a learning experience. Next time I will add some sugar, make the mixture thicker and make less of the mixture so I don’t waste so much if it doesn’t turn out.
So there was my failed attempt at fruit leather. Better luck to you if you try it.