Last year on Memorial weekend I found out I was pregnant. I was reminiscing about it last weekend over Memorial Day. I remember taking that first test and how nervous I was. And how I wanted to take a dozen more just to check, but I was also scared that they might not show the same result. I remember going to a friends’ house for dinner the day I took my first pregnancy test and coming up with excuses as to why I couldn’t drink (we just made sure Chuck drank enough that I had to be sober to drive home. He didn’t enjoy this task!) I recall one of my best friends coming over that weekend and needing to tell her even though I had only taken the test a couple days before, hadn’t seen a doctor and hadn’t told anyone else. Or sending another best friend a text message right after I told Chuck.
What a difference a year makes.
Since that little test, our lives have changed. All for the better, of course. We have our little Maddie girl. I can’t remember what we did before she was here. It’s like she has always been a part of our lives.
She is the best baby and I am so thankful God gave me this beautiful little girl to be a mother to. I can’t count how many times a day I pick her up, kiss her and tell her “Mommy loves you”. I am sure she’ll be sick of hearing it. But for now she just looks at me with those big blue eyes and smiles that gummy little grin at me. And then I tell her again!
She is getting such a fun personality. She is learning so much every day. She isn’t even 4 months old yet and I can hardly remember how tiny she was when she was born. She just learned how to grab her feet. She doesn’t know what to do with them yet, but she grabs them. I grab her hands and help her sit up and when she’s up, she just looks at me and grins from ear to ear. She acts so proud. She’s also just a couple days away from rolling from her back to her stomach. She got her body there the other day, but doesn’t have the arm strength quite yet to lift up her head. She has also started to really grab for toys when you dangle them in front of her. She puts everything in her mouth (mostly her hands). She’s also getting more vocal and making lots of funny noises. She will smile at us and at other people and she LOVES to sit up and see the world.
So now that I have babbled on and reminisced, I have to share some recent pictures of her!

What a difference a year makes. I love my Maddie girl!