I wasn’t feeling great today and Chuck thought I should stay home from work and rest. Instead, I decided to go into work because I knew I might not be in next week. I wanted to see my coworker who is in only Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. I knew it would be the last day seeing her if I didn’t come into work. So I went. I was tired, but it was good to get out of the house and get some things finished up at work. I cried a little when Lynnelle left. It’s not like I’ll never see her again or anything, it was just hard to know it wouldn’t be for a while. She has become such a great friend and I’m going to miss her lots while I am away on leave.
Category: Baby Journal
Today I had my doctor’s appointment. It’s actually the last appointment I will have before my due date. The doc last week said this week, she would try anything she could to help speed along the labor process. So she scraped my membranes for me. I had heard mixed things from people about how much it hurt. This didn’t hurt me. it was just a bit uncomfortable. But so is having her fingers up there anyway. The doc said I was almost dilated to two. Not quite as much as I was hoping for!
After, she said I may have contractions. And oh man, did I ever! We were timing contractions for almost 5 hours. They were 8-10 minutes apart. Then, they just stopped. So we went to bed hoping that I would be awakened by contractions. But nope.
So here’s to hoping this bundle of joy arrives soon! We’re so excited to see you!
Well, I’m a week until my due date. I was hoping Thumper wanted to be a January baby. But apparently she wanted to be a February baby.
Last night we were laying in bed and Chuck had his hand on my stomach. She was moving around in there like crazy. I can’t believe she still has any room to move as much as she does. But maybe that’s why it hurts so much!
We WILL have a baby in no more than two weeks. I can’t wait to see her and hold her!
Today I have been having some more contractions. They are definitely more noticeable today. We’re hoping that’s a good sign. I keep hoping I’ll wake up in the middle of the night with labor pains, but I just sleep peacefully through the night.
Thumper really doesn’t like contractions. She doesn’t like it when her world contracts on her. She kicks like crazy after one. I suppose I would do the same thing! But I have noticed that her movements have slowed down a little bit since the contractions started. So hopefully that means she’s getting ready to make her arrival.
I am also excited because today there’s only 9 days until my due date! Single digits! Woo hoo! Getting closer!
My feet have been a little less swollen yesterday and today. Well, really my feet just aren’t as thick as they usually are. My legs are still pretty swollen.
Tonight we went to Game Night at the Schindler’s house. I was so tired and didn’t really feel like making the trek out to Minnetonka, but I am glad we did. This was probably the last social event we’ll have until the baby is here.
It was also so nice to have our friends so excited about the arrival of Thumper! She is truly going to be confused when we call all our friends “Aunt This” and “Uncle That”! But it’s hard not to think of them like family when they are so happy for us!
They also placed some bets on when Thumper will be here! One friend suggested the prize is we name Thumper after them!
Today, my coworker had her baby. I can’t believe that I know 3 people that had babies in the last week! Man, I hope we are right behind them!
I had another doctor’s appointment today. She was able to touch the baby’s head this time. And things weren’t as painful as last week. I was thankful for that, but a little bummed that I wasn’t more dilated this week. I was just over 1 cm or so.
I am 38 weeks along now and I asked if she would do anything to help my labor progress. She said she wouldn’t do anything at 38 weeks, but next week, she’ll do everything she can to help me along. Hopefully I won’t make it until my next appointment, but it’s good to know that she’ll do her best to help things progress at that point if I don’t have Thumper before then. If what she does works, it should happen within a day or two. So we’ll see how that goes!
Chuck picked me up from work today and we went to Family Night at the Microsoft store. There wasn’t a whole lot going on, but there were some snacks and drinks. I took advantage of this! We also did more walking around the mall….come on baby….your mom and dad are very antsy to meet you! 🙂 But other than some non-painful contractions, nothing too exciting.
I have a doctor’s appointment Wednesday and I am hoping there has been some progress made. I am also going to see if they’ll scrape my membranes and maybe see if we can speed things along. Doing this was at the advice of a friend who is a 3-time mom now. 🙂
Also, our friends, Brett and Stephani had their second baby girl, Audrey today! She had a scheduled C-section, and I am going to swing by the hospital on Wednesday before or after my appointment and see them! So many babies! And it’s crazy to think we’re right behind them!
I had some more contractions in the morning, then went to Charlie’s basketball game and Chuck’s broomball game with him…..actually, that was after I spent the morning doing laundry, cleaning a little and putting away things in the baby’s room. I did more cleaning and sorting after we got home and before dinner with some friends. I think I may be nesting. 🙂
Our friends Ben and Trisha had their baby, Chelsea today. I am sure our little girl and Chelsea will be good friends growing up! I’m going to see her Tuesday night, I think.
I started having my first contractions today. They weren’t anything painful and Chuck actually had to convince me that what I was feeling was contractions. Once he convinced me, I started crying. Good tears, of course, but mixed in with a little panic, I think. 🙂
We went to Babies R Us and did the rest of our shopping from our list and got 10% remaining things on our registry. This was a nice relief. During our visit, I kept having various contractions, but nothing was consistent and they still didn’t hurt.
Then we went to Home Depot and I wanted to just wander around. Chuck decided a better place for that would be the MOA, so we headed there for some walking and lunch. We walked around for a couple hours there.
Then we went to Jean’s house to pick up some stuff and I hung out while people lifted heavy things. 🙂
Then dinner with Paige and Brian. I had been having contractions on and off all day without any consistency.I wasn’t having many by the end of the night. Bummer. 🙁