I had a doctor’s appointment this morning. Last week, the baby’s head was low and my cervix had started to soften. This week, the doctor said I was almost dilated to 1 cm. She could get her fingertip in, but not her whole finger. So my body has made some progress in the last week. Thumper’s heartbeat was 145.
I was 37 weeks yesterday and therefore, this also means that Thumper is full term. You are welcome to make your arrival any time now, baby!
We’re getting pretty excited. I am more and more uncomfortable everyday and my feet are getting huge. The doctor wasn’t worried about the slight increase in my weight gain because she said it was all water. I am going to feel like a dainty fairy once all this water is out of me!
So, things are progressing. Everyone is different. So now we just wait and see when my body and this baby are ready to do their things.