Our baby girl is 9 months old already. I can’t believe how quickly these last 9 months have gone. We’ve been busy getting ready for a trip, so I didn’t have time to blog on her 9 month birthday a couple days ago. So I wrote some of this on the car ride and the rest here on vacation.
Dannie popped her first little tooth through! You can see it in the picture below. It on the bottom. Maddie stuck her finger in Dannie’s mouth the other day to touch her tooth and exclaimed, “Dannie’s toof is sharp!” She’s right.
Dannie is on the move. She crawls everywhere and is trying so hard to stand and climb on everything. She loves chasing her sister around the house. She has been very curious about everything in the house and wants to play with doors, drawers, the dishwasher, chairs, etc.
And she is speedy! If I set her down in one end of the room, she is hot on my trail while I walk away. She is at the age where you can’t let her out of your sight for a second because she will get into everything. She finds the tiniest objects to put in her mouth, food that has fallen on the floor and power cords. The girl loves power cords!
Just in the last couple days, she has really taken to standing up on things and pulling herself to her feet. If you are sitting on the floor with her, she will climb right up you and get in your face.
Dannie likes to feed herself a bottle. I usually prop her on the boppy and hand her the bottle. She is pretty happy. The other day she even fell asleep while she was eating. It is also convenient that she will feed herself because the girls are usually hungry at the same time. This way I can get Dannie fed then tend to Maddie.
Dannie didn’t really like pureed baby food, so we started giving her solid foods. She feeds herself and can’t get enough. She loves it. She will sit and eat for the longest time. Her favorite foods are fruits, cheerios and puffs! And she likes to bang on the table, or really anything these days.
She also drinks out of a straw. It is so nice that she can do that. She doesn’t have the hang of tipping sippy cups upward to drink. This makes it easier. She’s not very good at holding the cup herself…she usually tips it upside down on herself.
Dannie loves clapping, so we have taken that love and taught her to sign “more.” she will say more when she is out of food. It’s really cute. It’s not incredibly consistent yet, but she does it. And all I need to so is start singing “If You’re Happy And You Know It” and Dannie will start clapping. She just can’t help herself.
Speaking of communicating, Dannie is a jabber jaws! She says “mama,” “dada,” “baba” and “nana.” She also yells an babbles and makes this silly gurgling noise. Her favorite thing to do is climb up me, grab my hair or cheeks and say “dadadadada.” She’s a stinker! This is face she makes when she says “dada.” Cracks me up!
Dannie is always smiling! She smiles with her whole face and it is so infectious! I just want to kiss her to pieces!
Her favorite toy is her glow worm. She loves to kiss it and gets so excited when the music comes on and the face lights up. Maddie has been teaching her how to press the button to turn it on. When she accidentally does it herself, her face lights up and she is so proud of herself!
We just took our first little vacation with the girls (which I will blog more about later). This was Dannie’s first time sleeping somewhere other than her bed and she did really well. We also just crossed into Iowa, so this is Dannie’s first time out of the state. And overall, Dannie is such a great sleeper and so very easy going!
And here are some other random pictures from this month.
Here are Dannie’s previous monthly posts: