Last weekend we had my mom, stepdad and brother over to help clean and carve pumpkins. Maddie had a fun, just like last year.
First, here are a couple videos of Maddie helping to clean out her pumpkin. She was a little hesitant at first and really didn’t want to touch it, but she eventually got over it and had some more fun.
She’s very particular about touching things and being messy. So the pumpkin cleaning went quite well.
Then I decided to let her finger paint her pumpkin. It went all right, but she really didn’t like the paint on her finger and needed her finger cleaned every time she used a color. I eventually got her a paint brush and she was much happier with that.

Then Maddie painted her shirt and was so distraught over it! She needed a napkin to wipe it off!

She did the same thing to her hand and cried about it and then to her foot. Such a silly little girl!

Overall, it was a hit and she seemed to have fun. Quite honestly, though, her favorite part might have been when we cleaned her up and then let her play in the water to clean off her hands. 
I haven’t decided what costume I am going to put her in yet. I bought a frog costume for her and I also got an Elmo costume from a friend. So I will probably let Maddie pick what she wants to wear. We did get a couple cute pictures of her in the Elmo costume last weekend when we stopped by our neighbor’s house for their Halloween party.
Well, she was cute after she stopped crying! 

She was much happier when we gave her a KitKat, too. 

Have a great Halloween!