heart paper clips
Around Valentine's Day, I came across the cutest thing! Heart shaped paper clips! Now these aren't something that you need to buy. They are something you can make with your everyday, run of the mill paperclip. Here's a website to one of the places I have found with instructions. But what really helped me, was...
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1. Getting dropped off at the bus stop so I don't have to drive there. 2. Target run before work. 3. Having a small lunch because I know I'll be eating crummy all weekend. 4. Meeting Chuck and our friends after work to head out of town. 5. Making it to our destination without hitting...
Read More"i’m on a horse"
I am sure most of you have seen this commercial, but I can’t stop laughing at it. “I’m on a horse” Old Spice commercial Now, one fun fact that Chuck told me is that this was all done in one take! How amazing is that?! It makes me like the commercial even more!
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