We have been working on the yard this past week. We took down the fence on the side of our house because it makes it hard to get to the rest of the yard. We are keeping up the fence in the back of the house since Tuxedo Road is behind us. Chuck's dad rented a Dingo for a week and he'll be out of town this weekend, so we are going to move some boulders around and take out the posts from the fence we took out. Here's a picture of a Dingo.

We rented a chipper yesterday to chip the trees we had cut down in the back to make way for the shed Chuck wants to build. It will be nice to have one back there. We are also going to sod a part in back and build a patio area where we can't keep grass to grow. It's going to look really nice. I also found a patio set I want.

Hopefully I can go get that today. That's about it. I'll post some pictures of the yard when we get it done. If you want to see some of the pictures we have taken so far, you can go HERE. There are some pictures from a survey we had done as well as some of the things taken down.