I am in a book club with a few friends and we just finished the book Love in the Time of Cholera. It wasn't really a bad book, I just couldn't get into it. No one had anything great or terrible to say about it. I think we were just kind of indifferent. I have a hard time getting into books. I need something that makes me not want to put it down or I put off reading it. I used to like books from Oprah's Book Club books back in high school, but now, I find them to be quite dull. So if you are in the mood for a love story that should get to the point about 100 pages sooner…this book is for you!
Our next book is Water for Elephants. Anyone hear anything about it? I will try to write more about the books I read since I would really like to start reading in my free time more. I am starting to find tv boring and there are other things I would rather do. And reading is one of them. Maybe with more reading time, I won't be such a slow reader…One can hope!
I have also added a new link on the right side of the page for book entries. Obviously, there is only this post on there right now, but in the future there will be more. I just wanted to point that out.