Here is a picture of our new bed in our room. It was quite a challenge to get a picture of the whole thing. It's huge! But I love it. It's like sleeping on a cloud! I have slept a number of nights in a row without waking up in the middle of the night for something. I am actually sleeping until my alarm goes off. It's a new concept and I like it! So I love the new bed and I love my new pillow. I think that has helped the most…having a pillow that fits me better.
Also, HERE is a picture (the only one I could find) of our dresser so you can see that it does look pretty good together. I am pleased with how the look together. I was a little skeptical at first…but was pleasantly surprised.
Please excuse any messiness in the room you may see and the fact that the sheet is not tucked in on the bed. I was just excited to get a picture of the bed! 🙂
I also intended to get more posts done during the weekend, but I just didn't get around to it. So I am sorry if you were anxiously waiting for a post all weekend! 🙂