The ladies at Molly Maids are going to be my heroes today! We decided to have a cleaning service come in and clean the house before we put it on the market. Thankfully (and amazingly) we got everything done in time and they will be in to clean today. I am so excited about it. I get to go to work all day and the cleaning fairies will be at my house while I am gone. Then when I get home…*POOF*….all sparkly clean! Anyone that knows me well knows how much I hate to clean. I am capable of doing it (and well when I have to), but I despise every minute of it. I don't even think, “the faster I do this, the faster I am done.” No. That would be the logical thought. I think, “Dangit! I have to do this all again next week!”
Now I have to share a couple pictures with you that cracked me up from their website. I couldn't help but laugh at how silly some of these pictures were. (And if they really are this happy about cleaning…I think that is kind of sick!) 🙂
I was laughing just adding them!
I am just glad there are people out there that you can pay to do this stuff for you! Because I am truly grateful!
So, yes we got everything done this weekend (9 total trips to storage since we started). I can hardly believe it. There are just a couple minor things left…taking garbage to the dump, mowing the lawn, and pulling out a ginormous weed that is taking over the area next to the shed. (I will take a picture of it and show you what I mean!) I'll try to take some pictures tonight of the house, too. Since we changed around a lot of things and took a lot out. I am pleased with how it turned out and I hope someone falls in love with the house as quickly as we did!