Why is it that cats always sleep in such strange places? I can't imagine that they are comfortable. But what do I know. 🙂 Here are some pictures of some of the places I have recently found Sadie sleeping.
On a suitcase. The suitcase was in Chuck's office, so that kind of explains it…since she always wants to be near him (who wouldn't!?).
In a box. Which was also in Chuck's office. Possibly right next to the suitcase. (Just a slight change of scenery.)
In front of the vent in my bathroom. And I think I should mention that this wasn't in the winter when heat comes out of it (which I would completely understand). This was in the middle of summer when the air conditioning would be on. And on top of that, I have a magnetic cover that goes over the vent in the summer because I hate the cold air blowing on my feet. So the only thing I can think of is she liked the rug.
And then the most logical…on the steps in the sun. I sometimes sit on the steps and pet her just so I can sit in the warm sun, too!