Last night we had a broomball practice. I was not really giving my all (or my anything) at the beginning of the game because I was upset I made a hole in my snow pants (skiing pants which I need next week). So I was pouting. Well, at the end I was messing around and being a good little defender and going after all my friends whom are notably larger than I. Mostly because they are guys. I was chasing one friend and he slipped and I was right behind him and went down, too. Thankfully, my butt broke part of my fall, but I still managed to hit my head pretty hard on the ice. I was fine. It just shook me up and surprised me.
Now, some of you know I got a helmet for broomball. Was I wearing it? No. I was thinking…it's just practice….no big deal. No one else wears it or falls on their heads in practice. Who needs it? I was wrong. So now I will be wearing it for practice, too. I am fine, but my pride is bruised and I have learned my lesson. 🙂