My youngest brother, Charlie, plays many sports. This time of the year it's baseball. He also plays basketball and tried football this year. It's so fun to watch him play. These are a couple pictures from his game the other night. I didn't have my camera with me since we decided to go to the game on short notice. So you'll have to suffer with iPhone pictures! 🙂
At this age, they rotate positions. I was so excited to see my brother pitch! It's pretty good! I didn't get any good action shots, but here he is on the mound!
Charlie has also been working on his batting. I hear he has a pretty good average and makes a good hit every game! I am so proud!
And finally, after the game I even got him to smile for a picture! He's getting so big! Literally! He's almost as tall as me (just short by about an inch), even though I know that isn't saying a whole lot! 🙂