I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife. It was a very creatively written book. I haven't read anything like it. I was impressed that this was the author's first book. I am hoping there are many more wonderful books by her in the future.
I was impressed that she was able to write such a well written book from so many different perspectives and time frames and still be able to have the reader understand what was going on. Plus she was able to write from both the male and female perspective. Not ever author has the capability and talent to do that.
I did think there were a few unanswered questions at the end of the book, but it didn't sway me from really enjoying the book.
I have not seen the movie. I had considered seeing it this weekend, but after hearing from so many people that it wasn't as good as the book, I decided I wouldn't spend my money on seeing it in the theater. I will wait until I can rent it to see it. By then, the story won't be so fresh in my head and I may not dislike it as much! Plus, I have recently learned about the joys of Redbox and might just wait until it shows up there! That is slick!
I digress.
If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it. As a friend warned me, it's a little confusing at first and a little hard to get into. But stick with it, because you'll be hooked.
Happy reading!