Yesterday we finally got around to finishing the landscaping in the yard. We just needed a bit more mulch and to remove a little dirt in one area. It didn't take too long and we were then able to bring our trailer to storage instead of leaving it in the driveway. I am sure we were thought of as the hick neighbors for a while. Now we are back to a clean driveway! 🙂
Here are a couple pictures I took today with my phone as I was walking around looking inside the houses that are for sale in the neighborhood.
This is the front of the house near the garages. There's a Hydrangea Tree (which I posted a picture of the other day because it is turning pink now.) There are also some red Day Lilies that are blooming, Black Eyed Susans, May Night Salvia, some Karl Foerster's Reed Grass, and Magic Carpet Spirea bushes.
This area has similar plants as well as our Pink Spires Flowering Crabapple Tree.
And this is on the side of the house. There are some Burning Bushes, some Crimson Pygmy Barberry plants around the tree and some bright yellow barberry bushes near the burning bushes on the side of the house.
And finally, this is the corner by the back side of the house that faces the street. We decided to hide the egress window a bit. This corner is going to be so pretty and colorful! There's reed grass, yellow day lilies (that just keep blooming!) and Russian Sage. I love the way they look and they will be so pretty when they all grow really tall and fill up that corner!
Please excuse the blue tote we haven't moved yet. 🙂
By the back door, Chuck added some steps so we can walk out to the grill. We added a couple large pavers to stand on when you are grilling and to step into the yard without stepping in the mulch.
Next year we want to build a paver patio. But…one thing at a time! 🙂 And it's best to let your yard settle a year before putting one in since the ground can shift a bit…and you don't want that on a patio.
Oh…and note the orange thing in the yard (two pictures up). Thankfully, that will be gone soon since they are getting closer to finishing the house next door. (I'll show you a couple pictures tomorrow.) Once they do landscaping and get grass next door, we will be without that ugly orange thing. It will mostly be nice because there will be grass next door instead of dirt and weeds!!!
On the far side of the house we also have a lilac bush and some more reed grass. Since the bush isn't flowering right now, I didn't bother taking a picture of them. It just isn't that interesting.
This fall, the city will come and plant trees on the boulevards. We don't know what we will get, but I can't wait to see what they plant! I am so excited to have more trees. We are also going to plant at least one tree (maybe two) in the back yard this Fall. So I guess we aren't completely done, but the tedious mulch is.
That's, I am sure, more than you ever wanted to know about our landscaping. But now you know it all! I was afraid that I would forget to take any pictures of the landscaping this year. So I am impressed I remembered. I can't wait to see how big everything gets in the coming years! (Don't worry…I am sure I'll post pictures of it!) 🙂