It's time to make a diet change. I love pasta. I love carbs. There's no way around that. I like fruits, but vegetables are gross. But if I keep eating pasta all the time, I am going to end up diabetic and I will probably die of starvation.
So it's time to take some precautionary measures. Since I turn 29 in just a few weeks, my goal is to not be so addicted to carbs by the time I turn 30. I know this seems like a long time, but I also know that if this is going to stick, I need to take baby steps.
So I have done some reading on things you can do to eat low-carb (because lets be realistic, I am not cutting carbs out completely). I also came across some cookbooks I have added to my Wish List. They are by The Sneaky Chef. She has two books that are ways to put vegetables into kids foods without them knowing. I eat like a kid. This should work for me.
She has a third book for cooking for your picky husband. Apparently women aren't picky eaters. Or maybe they hide it behind their “picky” kids and husbands. But I thought this might have more adult meals. (Since my hubby needs to eat, too. He doesn't eat like a kid like I do!)
If you have any good recipes for low-carb meals or ways to sneak in more vegetables, I would love your recipes! If you know of some other cookbooks I should add to my wish list, those suggestions are welcomed, too!