I love carbs. There is no doubt about that. So I thought I would give some mac a cheese a try.
I must preface this by saying that I am not incredibly picky about my pasta. I love Easy Mac, Velveeta shells and cheese, basically fake cheese. I don't go ga-ga over real cheese and can't bring myself to eat a piece of it alone. So I was hopeful for this dish because I assumed it would taste like fake cheese.
(This was another picture I found online because I was in a hurry and forgot to take a picture of my own meal. And those are clearly not my initials.)
The link with details for this meal is HERE.
The pasta itself was good. The flavor was not too bad, but I thought the cheese was more “real” cheese flavor. And I am more for the “fake” cheese flavor. It was not the best tasting to me. It was pretty creamy and by the end of it, I had forgotten that it tasted funny to me at first.
I looked at some reviews online about it as I was looking for this picture and it sounds like people have liked the Weight Watchers Smart Ones version of this better.
And that's my $0.02.