I am officially done with my calc class. I am now only taking one class at a time and I am so glad to be focusing on just one thing. It makes me feel less stressed already!
I have learned a few things from this class.
- I am not a fan of calculus. Just yuk.
- Taking a math class via distance learning is hard. I don't recommend it unless you are already great at math and don't want to really be taught what to do. I do not learn well like this and I was dreading every time I needed to work on it.
- Andi + calculus = yuk
I am sure I learned other things, too, but these stood out. I just need to get through this, calc 2 and one more math class. It's a means to an end. And a small bit of torture to pay for a career I am really excited about.
I should be having a celebratory beer or something now that I am done. Instead I am studying for a quiz I have in class tomorrow!
Here's to a beer on Friday…or 7!