First I need to preface this to say that this is the third time I have written this post and it keeps getting deleted or lost or something and I am starting to think my blog is conspiring against me. So hopefully I can remember everything I have written and wanted to say.
I went running TWICE this weekend. That might not seem like a big deal. But I am not a runner. I suppose it was actually more jogging than it was running.
Chuck had plotted out a route when he went running last week and I modified it slightly. It ended up being about 1.58 miles. Not too bad. A nice distance for a little run jog.
So I went last weekend and it sucked. It really kicked my ass. Chuck and I have gone to the gym and run on the track and I am always impressed that I can do that without too much trouble. But outside? That is a whole different story! Every tiny variation in the road is something I am not used to and it wears me out much faster.
When I ran last weekend, I stopped 3 times for short walks. (I was sure I was going to collapse into a pile of mush if I didn't.) Saturday I made it with only two walking spots. I walked shortly after a hill. I was impressed at how far I had gone this time without walking. The second walk was also after a small hill. I just wanted to recuperate a little.
Sunday I wore Chuck's heart rate monitor. (Mine was dead.) I wanted to see how close to death I really was getting. So I made it to the spot where I had walked the first time on Saturday. My heart rate was pretty high, but I wanted to see if I could get it back down without stopping and sure enough, I did. I continued on the trail until I was back out onto the sidewalk. I was exhausted; partly from going farther than I had the day before and partly from running the day before and just being tired from that. So I looked at my heart rate….Death is approaching….either walk or die!
So I walked for a short distance and was happy to see how quickly my heart rate recovered.
I ran the rest of the way home and I was impressed that I didn't want to fall over when I got home! This was an improvement already!
So overall, I was proud of myself for tackling this running thing over the weekend. I have a long way to go, but I had to start somewhere. I don't plan to run marathons or anything, I just wanted to get into a little better shape. I hope to run twice a week. That is my goal for now. We'll see how that goes. Now that it is getting lighter earlier, I will be more apt to go running in the morning before work.
Is there something you have done recently that you were proud of yourself for doing that you didn't think you could?