Look at me! I am posting about something that happened only a couple weeks ago instead of a couple months ago! Woo hoo!
Over Labor Day weekend we went up to the north shore with a couple friends. They are also having a baby a few weeks before us. So it was a nice get away for us all before our lives busy themselves up with babies.
On the way up there, Chuck and I stopped at the Soudan Underground Mine. It was so cool. Chuck had been there a few times and we have talked many times about going there. So this time we made the trip. You ride this creepy “elevator” that they used to haul the miners up and down and then take a ride into the mine. It stays around 50* year round there. It was very cool to see.
You can also walk around and see some of the buildings that they used for mining. It was a chilly, rainy day, but I am so glad we went. HERE are the pictures from the mine.
We did some hiking, sitting around, eating, hanging out by the lake…HERE are our pictures from those various activities.
We also played some tennis. I played a VERY little bit. I am terrible at tennis and this belly of mine was just not helping. I was getting exhausted quickly, too. So I took some pictures instead. HERE are those pictures.
We had a great weekend and it was so nice to get away for a long weekend!