I have been taking pictures of my belly when I am getting ready for bed. I have made a little gallery of them if you are interested. There are a few mixed in there that are ones Chuck took. They are much better than the ones I have been taking from my phone. But this was a fast way I could take pictures frequently.
They are in order from oldest first to the most recent ones at the end.
I had a doctor's appointment last week and the doctor said everything was looking great. I have gained 12 pounds so far and she said I was right on track and to keep doing what I have been doing. The baby's heartbeat sounded great and this was my first appointment where she took out a tape measure and measured my belly!
I am also feeling her kick all the time. She's a maniac in there some days. But I don't mind. I love feeling her move around in there!
Well, there's a small update for you!