During my morning reads on various blogs, I stumbled across a fun website. It’s called 280daily. The idea is that you write 280 characters a day about anything you want. It can sum up your day. It can be a place to journal for the day. It can just be something you want to remember. It’s quick and easy and a great journaling tool.
You can only write one post a day. But you can go back as far as you like. I went back and started on 1/1/12. I thought it was a good place to start. I am going to try to write something every day for a year. Like when I did Grace In Small Things (GiST).
I love that you only have a short amount of characters. It makes you get right to the point. And why not? Why not write about something every day? It’s good for people to write down their thoughts. And this is a creative way to go about it.
Give it a try. It’s free and fun!