This song cracks me up when I hear it. I just love it. It has such a good beat to it. And it’s funny! There’s a video of this song at the end of the lyrics. It’s the only one I could find, but you can hear the tune.
Two Kinds Of Seagulls by Tom Chapin
There’s two kinds of seagulls: he-gulls and she-gulls.
He-gulls like she-gulls and that’s why there’s seagulls.
There’s two kinds of pythons: girl-thons and guy-thons.
Girl-thons like guy-thons and that’s why there’s pythons.
There’s two kinds of wombats: Dad-bats and Mom-bats.
Dad-bats dig Mom-bats and that’s why there’s wombats.
And there’s two kinds of squirrels: him-mels and her-rels.
Him-mels are nuts about her-rels and that’s why there’s squirrels.
Most creatures come in pairs. That’s the way they mingle.
One kind only would be lonely. It takes two to tingle.
There’s two kinds of penguins: lady-guins and men-guins.
Lady-guins flip for men-guins and that’s why there’s penguins.
There’s two kinds of blackbirds: jill-birds and jack-birds.
Jill-birds thrill jack-birds and that’s why there’s blackbirds.
There’s two kinds of lizards: her-zards and hiz-ards.
Her-zards think hiz-ards are wizards and that’s why there’s lizards.
There’s two kinds of llamas: papas and mamas.
They wear different pajamas and that’s why there’s llamas.
Most creatures come in pairs. That’s the way they mingle.
One kind only would be lonely. It takes two to tingle.
There’s two kinds of peoples: he-puls and she-puls.
He-puls like she-puls. She-puls like he-puls.
And that’s why there’s me-puls, and you-puls,
And peoples.
Then I heard the most awful song….There’s an even more horrendous video after the lyrics for your viewing enjoyment.
No Excuse T’Use Booze by Peter Alsop Chorus:
There’s no excuse t’use booze
All you get is confused
Booze makes a problem for you, so
There’s no excuse t’use booze!
Booze is bad for kids
Now we all know that’s true
But some folks don’t admit
That it’s bad for the grown-ups, too!
One of my good friends
Offered me some beer
But I got “common sense”
So I whispered in his ear:
M’friend said “You’re no fun!”
“When there’s booze around, I grab it!”
He got drunk, and he got sick,
If that’s fun, well, he can have it!
Now some kids drink at parties
’Cause they’re feelin’ bad inside
And sometimes getting’ loaded
Seems like a way to hide.
Yeah, sometimes life’s a drag
An’ it’s tough t’be a kid
But you’ll make it fine without drugs an’ booze
Lots of other people did!
Nice, huh? Thankfully, I play lots of Raffi music, too. I think I know the words to all his songs!