I got to babysit our niece, Amira (Mira) recently and she was such a good girl! She loved the playmat that a friend gave us!
I used to keep Maddie’s table near our back door. Then she started pushing the chairs to the door and turning the locks. (I have now moved the table elsewhere and replaced the table with her play kitchen.) She has such a serious look on her face.
And Maddie has been very into noses. She likes to touch her nose, or more accurately, put her finger up her nose. She will also do this to your nose. So to keep her from sticking her finger up my nose to my brain, I taught her to “boop” noses. She does this to herself, dolls, pictures of noses…it’s cute. But she has also been into coloring noses. When we color, all she wants to do is scribble out noses. It’s hilarious. (And a little strange.)
She’s going to be an ENT doctor! 🙂