Last night, Maddie decided she wanted something. So she came on the couch next to me and said “leh-low.” In Maddie speak, that is yellow or window. I kept trying to figure out what she wanted and she just kept repeating “LEH-LOW” with growing frustration in her voice. Finally, after a couple tries of me not getting it right, she got about 3 inches from my face and very slowly and deliberately said “LLLEEEHHH-LLLOOOOWWWW” and pointed at the refrigerator.
I finally figured out she wanted to play with the playdoh that I keep on top of the fridge. After I stopped laughing at her, I asked her if she wanted to play with playdoh. Her response was a mixture of irritation and relief and a long “yyyyeeeaaaahhh.”
Maddie is thinking: Gosh, mom. You are so dumb. Figure it out already. I’ve been trying to tell you for minutes what I want.
Mommy is thinking: Let’s not make 4 things mean the same word so I can figure out what you are talking about.
Then she happily got some tools from her play kitchen and played with playdoh until bed time.
What a character! I can’t get over how funny she is. I think she is 20 months going on 20. She surely keeps me on my toes! It’s a good thing I am having another baby soon, because this sweet little girl definitely isn’t a baby anymore!