I’m not sure where the time went, but our little peanut, Dannie, is a month old! She has been such a wonderful addition to the family! Maddie just loves her little sister and is so sweet and nurturing with her.
Dannie is a great eater…which is evident by her pudgy rolls and chubby cheeks! She is finally starting to go a little longer between some feeds. Unfortunately, most of these long bursts are during the day instead of during the night. I was putting her in a sleep sack or woombie at night and I noticed it was making her very angry not having her hands free. She sleeps so well during the day with them free. So I let her sleep with them out at night and she does great. She doesn’t seem to startle herself too badly and I think she likes to suck on her hands when she can.
Dannie is a strong little thing, too. She does great during tummy time lifting her head and turning from side to side. She has a really strong grip and a strong kick (which I know first hand from all the internal kicking she did to me!). She also really likes sleeping on her side. She will roll around from side to side at night. She is never in the same place I put her down to sleep. I have a feeling she is going to be non-stop just like Maddie. I’m really going to have my hands full!
Dannie is a sweet little baby and I can’t believe how effortlessly she has fit into the family. She doesn’t cry much (knock on wood) and seems to be pretty easy going so far. I have a nick-name for her. I call her “Squishy”. Mostly because she is all cute and squishy, but also because I think I have been watching Finding Nemo too much with Maddie in the car! Here’s a clip from the movie…I say this to Dannie all the time.