I saw on Pinterest, long ago, that you could use regular yogurt and make your own yogurt bites. I filed this away on one of my boards and promptly forgot about it until we were in the baby food aisle and my kids wanted yogurt bites. So instead of buying my 4 and 2 year olds baby treats, we headed to the grocery section to buy some yogurt.
All you need to do it get some yogurt (I imagine you can use any kind, but I let them pick the flavored they wanted). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Fill up a plastic bag with the yogurt and cut a small hole in the corner to squeeze the yogurt out. Then just squeeze the yogurt onto the parchment paper into bite-sized pieces.
After you have the tray filled, place it in the freezer until they harden.
Then remove them from the parchment paper and place them in a plastic bag in the freezer for snacking.
The girls went nuts over these. They were easy to make and the girls had fun watching me make them and picking out the flavor they wanted. And it's something they can go get for themselves to snack on. (Which I always love!)
Just note that they do start to melt if you leave them out too long. But no problem! Just get a spoon and eat them right up! And for this reason, it might be a good idea to put them in a bowl or on a plate so they don't melt all over your table or hands. Just think of all the stickiness! 😛