Ian intrigues Kate in a way no man ever has. But after learning he’s snooped around on her personal computer, she demands retribution. Impressed with her tolerance and captivated by her spirit, he complies and begins to slowly charm his way past her defenses. Time spent with Ian is never boring, and Kate soon finds herself falling for the mysterious hacker.
But Ian has enemies and they’re growing restless. In the hacking world, exploiting a target’s weakness is paramount, and no price is too high to stop an attack. And when Kate learns exactly how much Ian has paid, she’ll discover just how strong her love is for the man who has hacked his way into her heart.
The first thing I loved about this book was the cover. I just think it’s so simple and so perfect for the book. Kate and Ian are quite the duo. They have a fun and playful chemistry and keep each other on their toes. I laughed out loud so many times in this book. Their banter is hilarious and I can just imagine her facial expressions when he says some of his smart-ass comments. But you can tell they are perfect for each other from the beginning.
I also loved that this took place in Minneapolis. I recognized the area where the characters lived and places they visited. It was just nice to read a book placed back in Minnesota. I was transported back to the frigid winters and could imagine I was there. 🙂
When the real drama happens in the book, I had a (correct) hunch what the outcome would be, but it didn’t make me want to stop reading and I wasn’t bored at all throughout the book. I am not a fast reader and I don’t have a lot of time during the day to read, but I carried my kindle around with me everywhere and didn’t want to stop reading. I finished it in a few days (which is really fast for me)!
I am so excited that this is only the first of the books in their story. Mostly because Tracey should never stop writing books. They are fun to read, you can’t put them down and you feel like the characters are real people you could run into on the street.
I follow Tracey on Facebook and she is having an online gathering tomorrow evening to discuss the book. I don’t know if I can make it since it’s before the kids go to bed, but I’ll grab a glass of wine and see if I can catch some of it. I love that in this virtual world we live in, we can have contact so easily with people we admire and would otherwise never interact with. And I love that she does this with her readers. She is always asking for input and truly wants to know what her readers think. I also love knowing that these big names are really just normal people. If you get a chance to tune it, I am sure you won’t regret it.
This was a longer review than I normally do, but I can’t stop raving about her. Her books just make me happy and I will continue to pre-order, read and re-read everything she writes.
Happy reading friends!