I figured I should read this book since everyone had been talking about it. I don't normally get into books that people talk about, but since it wasn't a preteen book that everyone loved, I figured I would give it a go. I found it at Target for $5.99. I like books for $6!
It was really slow going at first; maybe for the first 100 pages or so. But thankfully, it picked up and got more interesting. By the end, I didn't want to put it down!
The very end was a little slow and mildly confusing, but I think it was setting up for the next book.
I don't know if I will buy the next book (even though it is also at Target for $5.99). I had someone offer to loan their copy to me. I may take them up on that. I am also trying to break my habit of needing a complete set of things. 🙂
So if you want a suspense with some interesting twists that is also a quick read, I would recommend this one.
Happy reading!