Yesterday I was 18 weeks along with Baby #2. I called Maddie “Thumper” when I was pregnant with her because she was such an active little thing. Well, it turns out, Baby #2 is no different. For a couple weeks now, I have felt some sporadic kicks and movements. Yesterday morning, though, I was laying on my back before I got out of bed in the morning and Baby #2 was kicking so hard I saw my stomach move! It was so cute! I forgot how cool it is to see that movement.
Baby #2 needs a nick name now. Anyone have any suggestions? I’ve been thinking, but I keep going back to “Kangaroo” or “Roo”. It’s the only thing I can think of that kicks.
And here’s a little belly picture for you that I took yesterday. I find it fascinating that I am bigger earlier along this time. But it’s fun because I felt pregnant much faster this time around!
It’s not a great picture, but you can see my belly! Just a couple more weeks and we get to find out if my little Roo is a boy or a girl!
*Update* This baby was so active tonight that I thought I would see if Chuck could feel the kicks. Sure enough! His comment was “wow, that is one strong little baby!” Ha! So very true. He wasn’t able to feel Maddie kicking until I was 20-something weeks. I was so happy he was able to feel the baby so early. I like that he can feel a tiny bit of what I feel all day long.